Discover the antique swords and edged weapons that made America!
This site aims to show you the primary patterns of sword produced in this great nation.
It will show you some information on American swords but to view all the available information visit the largest online resource for the antique sword collector at
Edged weapons, in one form or another, have been the primary arm for the past millennium
and even today, in the age of weapons of mass destruction, the sword is still a
symbol of honor and tradition. It is still sometimes carried by
officers of every major country in the world. The information available on this site
focuses on the period from 1770 - 1945 covering swords from such conflicts as :
- War of Independance
- War of 1812
- Indian Wars
- American Civil War
- Spanish American War
- World Wars I & II
..... and many others from the
We aim to make this site a great guide to aid in the identification
and study of Amewrican swords. However the parent site of
has a huge library of information and resources. Included within that site are the following facilities -
- Identification Tool (examples and pictures)
- Extensive Sword Library
- Gallery of offcial patterns
- Articles (including many published in 'Man at Arms')
- Extensive list of makers, contracts and related notes, serial numbers, marks etc.
- Book lists
- Places to visit
..... and lots of other resources